Nano facade paint exterior wall colored varnish outdoor painting WO-WE W520 1-20L

Farbe: RAL 1001 Beige
Größe: 750ml
Sale price€19,90
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Nano facade paint / Made in Germany / House facades

Easy processing of the nano facade paint - base paint

Can be used on concrete, masonry, plaster, cement, stone, etc.

Very high coverage and breathable / weather resistant

Has a self-cleaning effect when it rains / for inside and outside

Exterior paint for facade, wall and base surfaces

Facades stay clean and protected longer

Water vapor permeability for exterior walls

No unpleasant smells or toxic fumes 

Consumption: approx. 5-7 m2 / L / professional container EN-certified

Vertrauenswürdige Qualität – Zertifiziert vom Deutschen Institut für Verbraucherschutz

✔ Geprüft und zertifiziert: Unsere Farben erfüllen höchste Sicherheits- und Qualitätsstandards.
✔ Offizielles Siegel für Verbraucherfreundlichkeit und nachhaltige Herstellung.
✔ Sicherheit, auf die du dich verlassen kannst – direkt vom Experten!

  • No odor nuisance + toxic fumes
  • Facades stay clean and protected longer
  • Very high coverage, high degree of whiteness and breathable
  • High water vapor permeability
  • Natural protection against algae and fungal attack
  • Water-repellent silicone resin paint
  • Very low pollution tendency
  • The dirt rolls off when it rains
  • Can be used on concrete, masonry, stone, etc.

    Technical data

  • Delivery in brush or roll quality, can be diluted with max. 10% water if necessary
  • Coverage: approx. 5-6 square meters with one coat. Two coats are recommended
  • Application with a roller, brush or airless sprayer

    EU limit value for the VOC content of this product (CAT. A / c) .: 15 g / l VOC (2010). This product contains max. 15 g / l VOC.

    Substrate preparation

    The facade must be clean, dry and free of grease. Check old coatings for load-bearing capacity beforehand. Sweep the facade and clean with water and a brush. The surface can also be prepared with the help of a high-pressure cleaner.

    All holes, stains and cracks should definitely be repaired or removed. Protect the surrounding area with masking films so that unnecessary soiling is avoided

    Recommended additional products

    W519 - Special primer for nano facade paints

    W870 – Wall impregnation
    PL110 – Paint roller
    W527 - Thermal exterior paint
    W518 - Primer

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    The mixture is classified as not hazardous according to regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLP].

    This product complies with the requirements of the directives 2004/42 / EG and 2010/79 / EU on the limitation of the VOC content.

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